La Haute-Touche
At Haute-Touche, nature is deserved. Situated in a preserved environment in the heart of the Brenne, this animal park offers the spectacle of animals in semi-liberty in their raw, flake-free state. More than 1,300 animals share 150 hectares of forest in vast wooded enclosures. An ideal destination for a beautiful day out with the family, in the company of the caretakers and scientists who look after the well-being and conservation of the 120 species represented. As soon as you enter Haute-Touche, you will drive 4 kilometres through the European fauna in your vehicle. It will take you to the heart of the reserve. From there, you can discover the reserve on foot, by bike (rental on site) or by electric cart.
Du samedi 5 avril au lundi 30 juin
- tous les jours de 10:00 à 18:00
Du mardi 1er juillet au dimanche 31 août
- tous les jours de 09:00 à 19:00
Du lundi 1er septembre au mardi 30 septembre
- tous les jours de 10:00 à 18:00
Du mercredi 1er octobre au mardi 11 novembre
- tous les jours de 10:00 à 17:00
Lat : 46.8862866 Lon : 1.06666087
Prices and payment
- Full adult price : 16 €
- Other rates (Abonnement annuel) : de 28 € à 35 €
- Child rate : 13 €
- Group rate : 13 €
- Free rate
- Discount rate (Etudiant, demandeur d’emploi) : 13 €
- Debit cards
- Cheques
- Holiday vouchers
- Cash
Enquiries / Information
- 02 54 02 20 40
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